About Us

Mission of the Association

Our registered association supports people living under challenging conditions in the mountains of the Himalayas and Karakoram, at the very edge of settlement and always at the brink of existence. The aim is to ensure the survival of the villagers in their ancestral homeland, following the principle of self-help. The primary goal is for our assistance to become unnecessary in the foreseeable future.

Assistance for self-help

Collaboration with locals

Preservation of nature and culture

Basic premises

The association's chairperson, Barbara Hirschbichler, regularly visits the primary operational area, the Baltistan region in the Karakoram mountains.
The projects are invariably carried out in consultation with the locals.
Everyone involved in the organization works on a voluntary basis.
Expenditures for advertising and administration are exceptionally low: since the founding of the association, they have consistently been under 2% of the total expenses each year.

The village elders are involved in all decision-making processes

Basic Premises

Die Vereinsvorsitzende Barbara Hirschbichler ist regelmäßig selbst im Haupteinsatzgebiet, der Region Baltistan im Karakorum.
Unsere Projekte werden grundsätzlich in Absprache mit den Einheimischen durchgeführt.
Alle, die im Verein mitarbeiten, tun dies ehrenamtlich.
Die Ausgaben für Werbung und Verwaltung sind außerordentlich gering: sie liegen seit Gründung des Vereins jedes Jahr bei unter 2% der Gesamtausgaben.

Principles of the Association

  • Establishing foundations for self-help
  • Respect for local culture
  • Protection of nature
  • Preservation of ancient traditions
  • Maintenance of established and proven structures
  • Promotion of mutual tolerance
By upholding these principles, we are fully accepted by the local population and never come into conflict with the authorities. The value of our work is also demonstrated by the fact that we have been honoured with prestigious awards on several occasions.

Project Manager

Ghulam Rasool, the husband of Barbara Hirschbichler, hails from Kurphe, a village in the upper Braldo Valley in Baltistan. He oversees the selection, construction, and organization of projects on-site and the success of all projects can be attributed mainly to him.
The association is also registered in Baltistan under the name "Himalaya Karakorum Aid".
Our projects undergo strict supervision, and the spending of our funds is regularly audited by an official accountant on-site. As all expenditures must be approved by Rasool, the misuse of donated funds is all but impossible.
Our Man in Baltistan: Rasool


Ghulam Rasool, der Ehemann von Barbara Hirschbichler, stammt aus Kurphe, einem Dorf im oberen Braldo-Tal in Baltistan. Er kümmert sich vor Ort um Auswahl, Bau und Organisation der Projekte und ist für den Erfolg des Vereins maßgeblich verantwortlich.

Der Verein ist auch in Baltistan registriert und heißt dort "Himalaya Karakorum Aid".
Unsere Projekte werden streng kontrolliert, die Verwendung der finanziellen Mittel wird von einem offiziellen Rechnungsprüfer vor Ort regelmäßig überprüft. Da alle Ausgaben prinzipiell von Rasool bewilligt werden müssen, ist ein Missbrauch von Spendengeldern praktisch ausgeschlossen.

General Information about the Area of Operation

In principle, we provide assistance in all remote mountain regions of the Himalayas and Karakoram. However, since 2004, the focus of our work has been on Baltistan in the Karakoram mountains, particularly the Braldo Valley. This mountain valley leads to the Baltoro Glacier and to some of the highest mountains in the world - K2, Broad Peak, Gasherbrum I, and II, all more than 8000m high.
Life there is extremely harsh due to the natural conditions, and it is characterized by poverty, malnutrition, and hard physical labour. The locals survive on what little grows on the barren land at an altitude of over 3000 metres. Winters are long and extremely cold, while summers are arid, requiring all fields to be irrigated. Natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and avalanches further complicate life. However, much has changed and improved over the past 20 years since we began to work there.
Thanks to our support, every one of the approximately 20 villages in the Braldo Valley now has access to clean drinking water. Beyond our specific projects, we have been highly successful in raising awareness for the prerequisites of development, so that today the importance of cleanliness, hygiene, and, above all, education – including that of girls – is firmly embedded in the general consciousness.
When we started to work in the Braldo Valley, the illiteracy rate among women and girls was almost 100%, as only a few girls in the area attended school. Similarly, a significant portion of men and boys had never set foot in a school. For most, working as porters was the only means of earning money. Now, almost all girls and boys in the Braldo Valley are learning to read, write and do arithmetic, and through our hostels, more and more obtain higher education and then attend college or university. The school in the upper Braldo Valley will finally give every child the chance to get a degree of one kind or another.

Annual Reports for Download

At the end of each year, we send out a newsletter detailing new projects or the progress of previous ones. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please send us an email.


Here you will find information about the progress of our projects in the year 2024.


Here you will find information about the progress of our projects in the year 2023.


Here you will find information about the progress of our projects in the year 2022.


Here you will find information about the progress of our projects in the year 2021.


Here you will find information about the progress of our projects in the year 2020.

Board of Directors

President: Barbara Hirschbichler
Vice President: Albert Hirschbichler
Secretary: Petra Tremblau
Treasurer: Otto Huber
(Auditor: Petra Kühnhauser)

Barbara Hirschbichler

Barbara Hirschbichler is an all-round mountaineer and high school teacher. She founded the association in 2000.
Vice President

Albert Hirschbichler

Albert Hirschbichler is Barbara's brother. He was also an extreme mountaineer until his climbing accident.

Honorary Members

Honorary Member

Thomas Huber

The elder of the "Huberbuam." The extreme mountaineer has supported the association since its establishment. He is familiar with the Karakoram from several expeditions.
Honorary Member

Alexander Huber

The younger of the "Huberbuam." The extreme mountaineer has supported the association since its establishment. He is familiar with the Karakoram from several expeditions.
Honorary Member

Willy Michl

The "Isar-Indian" has a heart for indigenous peoples and their cultures.
Honorary Member

Hans Well

Formerly part of the legendary "Biermöslblosn." Since their dissolution, he performs with his children. The "Wellbappn" held a benefit concert in support of the Karakoram Aid.

Interested in joining the organisation?

Responsible for the content

Himalaya-Karakorum-Hilfe e.V.
Barbara Hirschbichler (President)
Grünsteinstraße 20
83471 Schönau am Königssee

Barbara Hirschbichler

Donate to the organisation

bank transfer

Himalaya-Karakorum-Hilfe e.V.
Sparkasse Berchtesgadener Land
IBAN: DE30 ‍7105 ‍0000‍ 0000 ‍1164 00
