Schirmherrschaft über eine Trekking-Agentur

Die Agentur "Shipton Treks  & Tours" wurde als Selbsthilfe-Projekt gegründet. Der Tourismus ist im Karakorum eine der wenigen Möglichkeiten für die Bevölkerung, Geld zu verdienen. Shipton  Treks & Tours stellt [...]
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Benefizkonzert im November

Am Freitag, 29.11., geben Eva Kastner (Harfe) und Sabine Schmid (Hackbrett) am Karlsgymnasium Bad Reichenhall ein Benefizkonzert für die Karakorum-Hilfe.
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In order to stay connected within these disrupting times, the Global Shapers Salzburg Hub has decided to start hosting "Open Shapers" events. From November 2020 onwards. Online, every first Wednesday of the month.

Open Shapers is an event-series home to inspiring conversations with pioneers, who share insights & know-how’s into the amazing work they do. Every first Wednesday of the month, Open Shapers aims to connect a diverse crowd of people, and facilitate conversations on thought-provoking topics.

This with the main aim to provide a safe platform for people to exchange, and to bring the social impact ecosystem within Salzburg closer together.

The Open Shapers event-series are open to anyone, who’s keen to be inspired, connect and exchange. Within- and outside of the Global Shapers Community Salzburg.

This is a heading.

In order to stay connected within these disrupting times, the Global Shapers Salzburg Hub has decided to start hosting "Open Shapers" events. From November 2020 onwards. Online, every first Wednesday of the month.

Open Shapers is an event-series home to inspiring conversations with pioneers, who share insights & know-how’s into the amazing work they do. Every first Wednesday of the month, Open Shapers aims to connect a diverse crowd of people, and facilitate conversations on thought-provoking topics.

This with the main aim to provide a safe platform for people to exchange, and to bring the social impact ecosystem within Salzburg closer together.

The Open Shapers event-series are open to anyone, who’s keen to be inspired, connect and exchange. Within- and outside of the Global Shapers Community Salzburg.

© Himalaya-Karakorum-Hilfe e.V. 2024

Verantwortlich für die Inhalte

Himalaya-Karakorum-Hilfe e.V.
Barbara Hirschbichler (Vorsitzende)
Grünsteinstraße 20
83471 Schönau am Königssee

Barbara Hirschbichler

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Himalaya-Karakorum-Hilfe e.V.
Sparkasse Berchtesgadener Land
IBAN: DE30 ‍7105 ‍0000‍ 0000 ‍1164 00
