This remote region, situated amidst the mountains of the Karakoram, boasts breathtaking landscapes, but the living conditions are extremely harsh and poverty is widespread. The Balti people are peace-loving, friendly, and undemanding individuals who gratefully accept our support and increasingly strive for a better future themselves.
All our projects are designed for the long term. The primary goal is for our assistance unnecessary to no longer be needed. We invariably work in collaboration with the local communities, involving them in our planning processes. Our work is appreciated and gratefully received by the population, from politicians, clergy and teachers to the poorest villagers. We contribute to spreading a great sense of hope for a better future for the next generation in this extremely underdeveloped high-altitude region.
Through our projects, we provide many locals with a permanent or at least temporary income. This includes:
- Employees in the hostels (cooks, caretakers, tutors, security personnel, etc.)
- Drivers of vehicles
- Construction workers
- Staff for administration and project management
- Teachers and tutors
- and others